The Brief: Black Girl Gamers (BGG) is a community-powered, thriving business of 7,000 + black women around the globe with a shared passion for gaming and an ambition to make impact on it. They wanted an identity that should communicate its offer, demonstrate its ambition and authentically express its vibe. The identity was to demonstrate that BGG is a powerhouse with the cultural capital to make big, impactful and long-lasting change that matters. To leave the visual tropes of the gaming world behind – the aggro, macho visual cues of a long-gone gaming culture. This brand must express the gaming culture of the future, in all its vibrancy and diversity. This brand must be authentic to the community it represents. The down-to-earth vibe, the jokes, the fun and the importance of just having a good time. Gaming is about having fun.
My Insight: Black women often choose to hide their identity online, using a gender neutral username (IGN / In game name) and mute their microphones so they don’t deal with various kinds of harassment relating to racial and sexist abuse online.
I wanted to make people feel like they should be proud of their identity and not have to hide. Instead of hiding behind their IGN they are breaking through into the industry proving they are a strong, independent community that are here to stay and that they’re pushing for change.
My Solution: To create a brand identity that is strong, harsh, bold and eye-catching. Symbolising solidarity, unity and strength indicating that this community of black gamer girls are together and ready to break through the stereotypes to get the answers and change they want in the industry. Using language specific to the audience which will expand across various social media and in person ads to allow people to become aware of the ever expanding community.